The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Guitar Solos by Laurindo Almeida edited by Ronald Purcell
Laurindo Almeida (1917-1995) belongs to an elite group of Brazilian/American guitarists, who by composing important works for the guitar reinstated the instrument in his native country as worthy of serious musical study. Stylistically, his compositions synthesize his classical background, Afro-Brazilian rhythms, traditional Brazilian music, and American jazz. This collection presents Almeida's solos preserving the original left and right hand fingerings. The fingering is unique and tells us something about his skills as a professional guitarist. It also reflects the Brazilian school of guitar technique in the 1930's. Written in standard notation only. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 176 pages.
The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Original Guitar Duets
by Laurindo Almeida edited by Ronald Purcell
Laurindo Almeida (1917-1995) belongs to an elite group of Brazilian/American guitarists, who by composing important works for the guitar reinstated the instrument in his native country as worthy of serious musical study. This comprehensive collection presents Almeida's duets preserving original left and right hand fingerings. Written in standard notation only. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 104 pages.
A la Vianna
Malagueña Pomposa
Serenata Española
Tango Alegre
Vistas de Los Angeles
The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Traditional Guitar Duets
by Laurindo Almeida edited by Ronald Purcell
This collection of 16 guitar duets offers professionals, teachers or students a wide variety of styles from the Baroque to the Post-Romantic periods. Some of this music is unique to the guitar repertoire. For example, the six Serenades introduce some of the most popular music of the late 19th century by Georges Bizet, Franz Drdla, Enrico Toselli, Moritz Moszkowski, Ricardo Drigo and Sigmund Romberg. The collection ends with selected works by Tchaikovsky and Brahms. These arrangements are skillfully crafted and will delight the intermediate student. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate -Advanced. 144 pages.
Ave Maria
Barcarole Op. 3Tb, No. 6
Courante from English Suite III BWV 808
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Duetto III (BWV 804)
Melodie Op. 42
Schön Rosmarin
Serenade Espagnole (Ouvre Ton Coeur - Bolero)
Serenade from the operetta "The Student Prince"
Vater unser im Himmelreich (Lords Prayer)
Waltz Op 39, No. 15
Franz Schubert
P. I. Tchaikovsky
J. S. Bach
P. I. Tchaikovsky
J. S. Bach
P. I. Tchaikovsky
Fritz Kreisler
Enrico Toselli
Franz Drdla
Franz Schubert
Moritz Moszkowski
Ricardo Drigo
Georges Bizet
Romberg & Donelly
J. S. Bach
Johannes Brahms
The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Latin American Guitar Duets
by Laurindo Almeida edited by Ronald Purcell
This collection presents guitar duets by Laurindo Almeida and musical friends plus related photographs of historical interest. Features Radames Gnattali, "Pixinguinho" (Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho - "Father of the Samba"), Heitor Villa-Lobos, Charlie Byrd, Ernesto Nazareth, and "Garoto" (Anibal Augusto Sardinha). In addition to music from Brazil this collection addresses a variety of Latin American styles with arrangements of melodies from Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico. A piece by the American film composer, Stanley Wilson is introduced here for the first time. The collection ends with captivating duet arrangements of the haunting Intermezzo Melancólico by Manuel Maria Ponce and Tango Español by Isaac Albéniz. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate -Advanced.168 pages.
Brazilian Soul (Alma Brasiliera)
Canhoto (Chôro)
Carinhoso (Affectionately)
For Jeff
Intermezzo Malinconico
La Cumparsita
Los Enamorados (L Énamourée)
Naquêle Tempo
Pagina Romantica
Tango Español
Turbilhão de Beijos (Turbulent Kisses)
Radamés Gnattali
Radamés Gnattali
Ernésto Nazareth
Alfredo Vianna (Pixinguinha)
João Pernambuco
Alfredo Vianna (Pixinguinha)
Ernésto Nazareth
Charlie Byrd
Manuel M. Ponce
Rodriguez & Contursi
Reynaldo Hahn
Lupèrce Miranda
Alfredo Vianna (Pixinguinha)
José Barroso
Stanley Wilson
Isaac Albeniz
Ernésto Nazareth
The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Guitar Trios
by Laurindo Almeida edited by Ronald Purcell
Laurindo Almeida (1917-1995) belongs to an elite group of Brazilian/American guitarists, who by composing important works for the guitar reinstated the instrument in his native country as worthy of serious musical study. This collection presents Almeidas trios preserving the original left and right hand fingerings. Written in standard notation only. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 112 pages.
Allegro (K.52)
Clair de Lune
El Puerto
Etude (Opus 10. No. 3)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Cantata No. 147)
Prelude in C Sharp Minor
Tchaikovsky's Serenade
Domenico Scarlatti
Claude Debussy
Isaac Albeniz
F. Chopin
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky
Aconquija (Suite Andina) by Augustin Pio Barrios arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98875 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 2 pages.
Alma Brasileira by Radames Gnattali arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98835 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 4 pages.
Andantino Siciliano by Mauro Giuliani arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98825 |
Overall Difficulty: Advanced. 3 pages.
Autumnal Prelude-Classic Guitar Solo by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98840 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 3 pages.
Bossa Californiana by Elizabeth Waldo & Laurindo Almeida
$2.85 - Sheet Music 98884 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 1 page.
Brazilliance (Choro) by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98802 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 2 pages.
Bullerias y Cancion by Jose Barrosa played by Laurindo Almeida
$3.35 - Sheet Music 98890 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 3 pages.
Dansa Brasileira by Radames Gnattali arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98852 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 4 pages.
Danza Espanola No. 10 (Danza Triste) by Enrique Granados arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98850 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 3 pages.
Danza Espanola No. 5 (Andaluza Playera) by Enrique Granados arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$2.85 - Sheet Music 98849 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate, 2 pages.
Danza Gitana (Gypsy Dance) by Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98811 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 2 pages.
Danza Mexicana by Jose Barrosa arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$3.65 - Sheet Music 98832 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 2 pages.
Dialogue by Franklin Marks & Laurindo Almeida
$3.85 - Sheet Music 98854 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 3 pages.
Duas Contas (Two Jewels) by Anibal A. Sardinha arranged by Laurindo Almeida
$2.85 - Sheet Music 98902 |
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 2 pages.
Arioso - Bourree From the English Suite - Classical Guitar by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged by Laurindo Almeida -Out of Print -
Sheet Music 98837 - $ 2.85, 2 pages.
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate
Amor Flamenco by Laurindo Almeida
Sheet Music 98831 - $ 3.85, 2 pages. -Out of Print -
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced
The Cathedral (La Catedral) by Augustin Pio Barrios arranged by Laurindo Almeida
Sheet Music 98876 - $ 4.85 - Out of Print -
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced
Choro da Saudade (Song of Longing) by Augustin Pio Barrios arranged by Laurindo Almeida
Sheet Music 98877 - $ 3.85, 3 pages.- Out of Print -
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced
Choro Tipico No. 1 by Heitor Villa-Lobos edited by Laurindo Almeida
Sheet Music 98889 - $ 4.85, 3 pages.- Out of Print -
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate |