Complete Anthology of Medieval & Renaissance Music - Gtr by John Renbourn
$24.50 - Book/CD Set 95394BCD |
A collection of 28 fingerstyle guitar solos and duets by fingerstyle guitarist John Renbourn. These solos are drawn from Medieval and Renaissance lute dance tunes and solos. All solos are in notation and tablature. The recording contains 17 of the solos from the book. Overall Difficulty: Multiple Levels. Pages: 176.
Anthology of Music of the Renaissance & Baroque, Vol. 1
Publisher: Ricordi. Pages: 20
Anthology Of Renaissance & Baroque For Guitar, Vol. 2
Publisher: Ricordi - 24 Pages.
Chansons of the 16th Century for Classical Guitar : Franco-Flemish and Parisian Chansons Printed by Pierre Attaingnant Commentary - translations, and arrangements for solo guitar or lute by Richard Metzger.
A collection of chansons printed in various collections between 1529 and 1543 by Pierre Attaingnant, the inventor of single-impression printing. The arrangement of chansons for lute or keyboard was an important source of instrumental music in the sixteenth century. The chansons in the present anthology, the fruits of a particularly rich period in French music, are modern arrangements for guitar or lute made in accordance with procedures found in French prints of the time. The musical styles range from the serious, imitative Franco-Flemish chanson of northern composers to the charming, light-hearted, and often ribald chansons that furnished musical entertainment in early sixteenth-century Paris. Although the arrangements are instrumental, text translations are furnished to aid in interpretation of the music and to amuse the modern reader as they amused the listener in the 1530s and 1540s. Standard notation only. Publisher: Chanterelle. 96 pages.
A Renaissance Christmas by James Kalal
$14.75 - Book/CD Set 99763BCD |
The music selected for this book seems to lift you gently back to by-gone days to an era more leisurely paced than our own. This collection for solo classic guitar focuses first and foremost on early Christmas music and is enhanced by appropriate cover art, biblical text and poetry dating from this exciting period. The selections are festive to listen to while providing arrangements ranging from the traditional "easier to learn" lute solos to more advanced settings with today's harmonies. Each piece is cloaked in the special beauty and warmth that is characteristic of the guitar. A "mix and match" approach in the arrangements provides an added dimension for your enjoyment. For example, What Child is This/Greensleeves begins with an olden lute version followed by interludes that segue into other sections. Seven of the eight pieces in the book are recorded on the accompanying CD for your listening pleasure and to guide you in interpreting the pieces. Written in standard notation only. 32 pages.
Great Themes & Variations for Classic Guitar by Robert Phillips
$24.50 - Compact Disc (Two CD Set) 95421CD |
Very Limited Supply
$24.50 Book 95421 - Out of Print - |
$42.95 Book/CD Set 95421CDP - Out of Print - |
This exhaustive anthology includes chaconnes, passacaglias, and themes and variations from the Renaissance to the end of the 19th century. Also includes composer biographies, historical backgrounds, and performance suggestions. All songs from book are found on the two CD Set. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate.
Gregorian Chants for Acoustic Guitar by Steven Eckels
$22.50 - Book/CD Set 96651BCD |
Inspired by the intimate relationship Native Americans have their culture and music, Steve Eckels probed the music on his Judeo Christian roots. The result of his quest is this book of guitar transcriptions of nine tracks from the popular choral recording Chant by the Benedictine monks of Santo Domingo de Silo, Spain plus a tenth chant from a 1940 Episcopal hymnal. A harmonization variation and suggested "improvisations" are offered for each chant. Steve Eckels is well known for his full-sounding settings for the guitar. All of these arrangements lie well on the fretboard and appear in both standard notation and tablature. This book is classified as intermediate in difficulty due to the unusual bar line-free notation of the original chant melody. The player will be challenged to develop a feel for plainsong rhythm to properly render these pieces. 80 pages.
The Highland King: The Scottish Lute Volume 2
by Ronn McFarlane transcribed by Jamey Bellizzi
This collection presents carefully crafted guitar arrangements of 44 lute pieces in standard notation together with a pull-out supplement of the original lute notation in French tablature. The music in this book was drawn from three important lute manuscripts: The Rowallan Lute Book (c. 1620) for 10-course lute, The Wemyss Lute Book (c. 1644-1648) for 10-course lute, and The Balcarres Lute Book (c. 1700) for 11-course lute in d minor tuning. Original spelling is retained in the titles with the often-fanciful end result still legible. Even with the sixth string frequently tuned to D, players at the intermediate level should find these pieces rewarding sight-reading material. Those who wish to add the suggested ornamentation will be duly challenged. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. Pages: 120.
The Scottish Lute by Ronn McFarlane transcribed by Jamey Bellizzi
$16.50 - Book 96693 - Out of Print -
This landmark book constitutes Mel Bay's first anthology of Renaissance lute and mandora literature in its original tablature form. It also offers the same 56 tunes tastefully transcribed in standard modern guitar notation and tab. For the academically inclined or those who simply want to examine the original scores, this edition includes a pull-out folio of the original lute and mandora tablature plus a thorough explanation of the lute tablature system. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. Pages: 160.
Ensemble Works
Donald Miller Guitar Ensemble Series - Music of the Renaissance
One of a series of six books, "Music of the Renaissance" offers level one, fingerstyle or flatpicking guitar ensemble settings of some of the finest selections from the 16th Century. Some are popular to the period; all are fresh additions to the guitar ensemble repertoire. Written in standard notation only, these pieces are intended for multiple guitars for use in the classroom or on the recital stage. Separate pull-out parts are provided for convenience. The conductor's score includes a keyboard reduction that may be played for support in rehearsal or performance. While several guitarists may double on each part, it is a good idea to rotate players on different parts to enhance the performers' sight reading ability on both treble and bass strings. Overall Difficulty: Beginning. Pages: 40. Pullouts: 12 pages each
Cantabile: Duets for Mandolin and Guitar arranged by Butch Baldassari & John Mock
This companion book to the CD Cantabile by Butch Baldassari and John Mock fills a void in the all too often hard to find category of music for mandolin and classical guitar, expanding the repertoire for the intimate combination of these two instruments. Pieces range from Renaissance and Baroque to the more Classical music of Handel and Beethoven, to contemporary and Romantic compositions from Satie, Calace and Tarrega. This book should work well for both students and professionals. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 96 Pages.
Out Of Print
Medieval and Renaissance Music for Fingerstyle Guitar taught by John Renbourn
Video 96562VX - $29.50 - Out of Print -
In this video lesson John presents lyrical and innovative arrangements of five middle age and Renaissance melodies in standard, DGDGCD and EAEF#AD tunings. Includes booklet in standard notation and tablature. 95-minute video. Grossman-Gtr Workshop. Overall Difficulty: Beginning-Intermediate.
Six Pieces of the Renaissance by Vincenzo Galilei arranged by Laurindo Almeida
Sheet Music 98872 - $4.85, 5 pages. - Out of Print -
Overall Difficulty: Intermediate
Simon Gorlier & G. Morlaye: 4 Renaissance Guitar Bks (1551-1553)
Book 97353 - $46.95 - Out of Print -
This facsimile edition is a complete same size photographic reproduction of the only known surviving copies of the guitar tablature books of Simon Gorlier and Guillaume Morlaye. Today the volume containing these 4 books is in the Conton library in Switzerland. These four books offer a full and varied collection of music ranging from excellent fantasias of intabulation of the popular chansons of the day and a wide range of Italian an Frence dance music of grear charm. They are herewith made available, not only to the specialist playing on reconstructions of early instruments, but to the modern guitarist, whose repertoire can be richly enhanced by them. In Spanish with an introduction in English. Publisher: Chanterelle. Overall Difficulty: Advanced. 288 pages.