Art of Picking taught by Jimmy Bruno
$28.95 - Book+DVD 20402DP (Includes TAB) |
Jimmy Bruno is known throughout the world for his flawless picking technique. This book and DVD breaks down Brunos ideas through exercises and etudes that will take any guitarists picking technique to a new level. Break old picking habits and learn a more efficient way to utilize your right-hand technique. The 45-minute DVD presents Jimmy teaching and demonstrating the material in the book. Presented in standard notation and tab. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 40 pages.
Jazz Intros and Endings taught by Ron Eschete
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20406BCD |
Jazz Intros and Endings offers 60 intros and endings for songs in many keys and styles. Ron is a well known and admired guitar player having played with Ray Brown, Gene Harris, Ella Fitzgerald, among many others. These harmonically rich phrases offer many great ideas and insight into creating your own intros and endings. Book is in standard notation with chord diagram. Private Lessons Series. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate. 32 pages.
Jazz Ear Training: Learning to Hear Your Way Through Music taught by Steve Masakowski
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20420BCD |
Jazz Ear Training: Learning to Hear Your Way Through Music, focuses the student on developing the ability to hear and react to harmonic structures common to the modern Jazz idiom, while adhering to specific melodic phrases. The book and recording include a variety of exercises derived from the major, harmonic minor, melodic minor and harmonic major scales and suggestions on how to play by ear. It was designed with the intermediate to advanced Jazz student in mind who needs to enhance the connection between his inner voice and instrument. It will also help the student "hear" what he may intellectually "know". Though intended for guitarists, this book can serve the needs of any aspiring Jazz improviser. A basic understanding of Jazz theory is recommended before using this book. Companion CD included. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 40 pages.
Jazz Pentatonics: Advanced Improvising Concepts for Guitar taught by Bruce Saunders
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20416BCD |
Jazz Pentatonics
is for intermediate to advanced players wishing to expand their melodic and harmonic vocabulary. The music is in standard notation as well as tablature and a CD is included in which the more difficult exercises are played at a slower as well as faster tempo. The CD was recorded with live drums, acoustic bass and guitar. All the exercises are included on the CD as well as play-along tracks that enable the student to play with a rhythm section. The book covers the minor 7, dominant 7, minor 7(b5) and major (b6) pentatonics and gives the student many etudes and exercises from which to draw improvisational ideas. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 48 Pages.
Guitar Arpeggio Studies on Jazz Standards taught by Mimi Fox
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20623BCD (Includes TAB) |
An in-depth approach to mastering arpeggios for guitarists, beginning with simple arpeggio studies, this book progresses through simple concepts and tunes then proceeds to tackle some of the great standards that jazz musicians play. The lesson concludes with advanced arpeggio concepts including super-imposition of unusual arpeggios over various chord types to create startling tonal clusters. This is a must-have for all serious guitarists who want to achieve great technique while developing their sense of harmony. Companion CD included. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 40 pages.
Creative Comping Concepts for Jazz Guitar taught by Mark Boling
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20414BCD (Includes TAB) |
Pianists are the main sources of inspiration for new developments in jazz guitar comping. Yet guitarists have been slow to develop a comping vocabulary with harmonic sophistication, subtle voiceleading, and rhythmic flexibility on the level of the best contemporary pianists. This book seeks to remedy the situation by articulating a comping vocabulary in the context of six of the most often played tunes in jazz: 12-bar blues, rhythm changes, minor blues, a modal tune, and a couple of standards. The comps are written out in notation and tablature and include rhythms with forward motion, chords built in fourth intervals, parallel constant structure voicings, polychords, slash chords, etc. The focus is on developing a contemporary approach to rhythm, phrasing, chord voicings, voiceleading, chord substitution, and reharmonization. A play-along CD recording of the guitar comps with bass and drums helps get the sounds and rhythms in your ear. The theory of how the comping concepts are applied to the music is explained, with ideas on how to use them creatively. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 40 pages.
Advanced Jazz Guitar Improvisation taught by Barry Greene
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20409BCD |
Written for the intermediate to advanced jazz guitarist, this book assumes an adequate knowledge of chord scales and jazz theory. The topics include playing modally, chord substitutions, Coltrane substitutions, diminished and melodic minor scales as well as dealing with pentatonics. Private Lessons Series. Companion CD included. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 32 Pages.
The Changes: Guide Tones for Jazz Chords, Lines & Comping for Guitar taught by Sid Jacobs
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20410BCD (Includes TAB) |
The Changes: Guide Tones for Jazz Chords, Lines, and Comping is offered for beginning to advanced players as a way to visualize guide tones on the fretboard. From these shapes lines can be created for soloing and voicings can be built for comping and chord melody. Most importantly, the changes of the progression being played can be heard with only a few notes. The simple approach is always best; guide tones are easy to play and are how the ear identifies a chord progression. Embellishing guide tones is what improvising musicians from baroque to bebop to beyond have been doing to make the changes. Companion CD includes all exercises. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 40 Pages.
Coltrane Changes: Applications of Advanced Jazz Harmony for Guitar taught by Corey Christiansen
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20407BCD (Includes TAB) |
John Coltrane's recording "Giant Steps" introduced a system of chord progressions and chord substitutions that has challenged even the best jazz musicians. The tri-tonic systems (sometimes referred to as "Coltrane Changes") found in the tunes Giant Steps and Countdown is taught in a digestible way thoughout this method. Etudes show how to reharmonize standard ii-V-I changes with Coltrane Changes. The play-along CD will help students practice and master single-note lines over these chords in all 12 keys. Guitarists will appreciate the chord voicing suggestions. A must have for the serious jazz guitarist. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 32 Pages.
Modern Chords: Advanced Harmony for Guitar taught by Vic Juris
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20440BCD (Includes TAB) |
One of the worlds great jazz guitarists, Vic Juris shares his insight into the wonderful world of harmony in this book. Not for the fainthearted, Vic teaches polychords and intervallic structures derived from the major, minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor and harmonic major scales in this must have jazz guitar book. Each section has etudes that will help students integrate each concept into their own playing. The companion CD gives students the opportunity to hear and play along with these cutting edge concepts. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 48 Pages.
Modern Blues: Advanced Blues Reharmonizations & Melodic Ideas for Guitar taught by Bruce Saunders.
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20415BCD (Includes TAB) |
Modern Blues is for intermediate to advanced players wishing to expand their melodic and harmonic vocabulary. The music is in standard notation as well as tablature and a CD is included in which the more difficult exercises are played at a slower as well as faster tempo. The CD was recorded with live drums, acoustic bass and guitar. All the exercises are included on the CD as well as many practice tracks that enable the student to play with a rhythm section. The book covers such topics as reharmonization, exotic chord/scale combinations, intervallic and triadic exercises, alternate pentatonic suggestions and exercises and many other topics. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 48 Pages.
Rock/Fusion Improvising taught by Carl Filipiak
$17.50 - Book/CD Set 20408BCD (Includes TAB) |
Carl Filipiaks Private Lessons Series on Rock/Fusion Improvising is the perfect vehicle for the rock guitarist who wants to add elements of jazz to their playing. Discover many of the concepts that fusion, jazz, and jam bands use. Intervallic harmony, diminished scales and how to use them are just a few topics that are covered. Take your blues/rock licks to another level! This play-along CD includes odd-time signatures, funk and Indian grooves and features Carl Filipiak on guitar and a smokin rhythm section, which includes John Thomakos on drums and Steve Zerlin on bass. Also included on one track is world-renown drummer, Dennis Chambers. Overall Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced. 40 Pages.
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